Friday, January 7, 2011

Flickering out of sight.

Dear Blog, My empty mind has sent me back to you. The New Year is always promised with the notion of changing yourself image. Achieving that ulimate goal. In all, my fears are still my leaders. They have broken me down once again. Controlling my thoughts. Telling me, I am not good enough. That who I am isn't worth fighting for. All thoughts, controlled. Not me. Jealously has made it's apperance once or twice, maybe all year. I've lost so many friends to the powerful drug called; 'Love'. I am not more. The plug is pulled and I'm left to disappear into nothing but dust.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


I'm alone.
No one is standing behind me.
Except one person.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Yesterday news, today's blues.

shut your mouth.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Surprised. Not surprised.

And she said; "I won't complain".
The dishonest words spilled before her before
she could catch them.
I doubt my world wouldn't be complete if I didn't complain
on how my life is so horrible
in the sense of change, work, and oh, friends.

Tables have now turned.
And I'm left with pictures, text messages, and fake plans.
My heart aches in the memories that once
were lived. I can't believe this chapter has now officially closed.
As I pray not to act on the simple actions of anger or jealously.
They seem to creep upon me.
And the actions of the outcome always overcome what I know
is just a sin. Or this disbelief that this still matters to me.
More then I can control. It controls me 99.9 % of the time.

She has moved on.
New 'best friend'.
Before. "I don't really like her" and I quote.
Where do I stand.
Lacking the laughter of old times. Girly gossip.
Life is filled with boys and their adventures in wet snow.
Shooting from believable guns.
Hitting one another with wet hard paint balls.
Exchanging codes, hand shakes, and un awkward car rides.

Opening the wide enveloped.
Surprised by the hard work I've endured.
Making plans of the nice spending I'm about to outrage in.
But quickly that was snatched from me.

It's quiet.
I dare to even image to explain.
No one will ever understand.
Nor will I.

'Just put water on da popcorn'
Oh man, rap has lost it's touch.

Monday, February 15, 2010

you lost,you lied,you never won.

Two cigarettes left and a new zippo lighter.
and I'm yet to believe that this is going to last.
I am more concerned about what happen then you are.
silly haha's here and there.
But no actual contact of involvement with one another.
I doubt the things I say to myself are healthy.
Nor a good medicine.

I quit.

Yes sir it's real.
I remember.
You remember
Now, it's just memories.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

There,you won.

It's getting rough.
I stay up,I think,I panic,I wonder.
Once again,I'm left alone.
The bare walls.The tallness of each leg, hesitating
to move forward.Station near by,I linger for the
call.The text.The hopes of the voice.
I was right,I was dead on.
Lost passages aboard the chapter of my life.
It's closed.

I said I wouldn't complain.
I just needed someone to listen.

The End.

Monday, January 25, 2010

I Quit.

It's so easy to give up.